Fastest-growing jobs in the United States: solar installer and wind-turbine technician

"Solar photovoltaic installer" and "wind-turbine service technician" are the fastest growing occupations in the United States, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the United States Department of Labor.

According to the list of the 20 fastest-growing occupations compiled by the BLS, the demand for solar installers is projected to grow by 105 percent, while the demand for wind-turbine technicians is expected to grow by 96 percent between 2016 and 2026.

Fastest-growing jobs in the U.S.
Job TitleGrowth
Pay in
Solar photovoltaic installer105%$39,240
Wind-turbine service technician96%$52,260
Home health aide47%$22,600
Personal care aide37%$21,920
Physician assistant37%$101,480
Nurse practitioner36%$100,910
Physical therapist assistant31%$56,610
Software developer, applications30%$100,080
Bicycle repairer29%$27,630
Medical assistant29%$31,540
Physical therapist aide29%$25,680
Occupational therapy assistant29%$59,010
Information security analyst28%$92,600
Genetic counselor28%$74,120
Operations research analyst27%$79,200
Forest fire inspector and prevention specialist27%$36,230
Health specialties teacher, postsecondary26%$99,360
Derrick operator, oil and gas26%$48,130
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

It is not surprising that the two fastest-growing jobs are in the renewable energy sector. With the increasing popularity of solar and wind power, more and more people will be needed to install and maintain power-generating solar panels and wind turbines in the next ten years.

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