How to get an NBI Clearance in 7 easy steps

Getting a National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance is much easier and faster now compared to a few years before. The online application and third-party payment system really works. When I claimed my NBI Clearance recently (after a one-week waiting period because I had a "hit") I was in and out the building in less than fifteen minutes! For the benefit of those who need to get their NBI clearance, let me outline the process.

How to get an NBI Clearance

  1. Go to and sign in. You will need to register first if you don't have an account yet.
  2. Select "Application" on the menu then click "Edit Information" to enter or update your personal information.
  3. Click "Apply for Clearance" to create an application and select where and when you want to claim your NBI Clearance and how you want to pay.
  4. Write down the transaction reference number, which you will need to make your payment and to claim your NBI Clearance.
  5. Pay the clearance fee of ₱130 plus the e-payment processing fee of ₱25 using the payment method that you selected.
  6. Log in again to and select "Transactions" on the menu to print your application form.
  7. Show up at your chosen venue on the date and time that you selected to have your picture and fingerprints (biometrics) taken, then wait for your NBI Clearance to be printed and released.

In most cases you will get your NBI Clearance within a few minutes. However, in case you have a "hit" (your name is similar to someone else who has a derogatory record), you will have to wait at least one week while your application undergoes "quality control." Upon your return, two things can happen: you will either get your NBI Clearance or, in some cases, you will be required to go to the NBI's main office in Manila (if you applied elsewhere) for an interview.

After the interview you will either get your NBI Clearance or you will be required to go to the place where your namesake has a record to obtain a court clearance. What this means is that if your namesake has a record in a distant province you will have to go there yourself to get that court clearance certifying that you are not the same person named in the case before you can finally obtain your NBI Clearance.

Effective March 12, 2018, the clearance fee was increased from ₱115 to ₱130.

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